Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012

Ok, so it has been so long since I have blogged that I totally got yesterday's date wrong! Oh well, good thing God gives us a new day everyday. On a whim yesterday, Abby decided to make some cake pops for a friend. They came out pretty good. She just wanted to make them - just because....and that got me thinking.

I think food brings us enjoyment more when we can share it. Whether it is for someone close or someone in need, sharing brings meaning to it. Not only that, but sharing brings out out best and that is what God really wants of us. He doesn't want us to share a little of the leftovers that nobody wants. He wants us to share the abundant overflow of goodness that flows straight from our hearts!!!

I am posting a picture of her pops below and at this very moment she is also rising some dough for pretzels! Enjoy and share the overflow!

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