Friday, September 11, 2009

I am getting there!

I have figured out that when you have a child with a strong personality that its a constant battle to remain in control. It doesn't have to be a battle, it just needs to be a constant work in progress. My youngest is very independent, strong and out to prove she can do it all. (I have NOOOO earthly idea where she gets that from!) There was a time when she spent a lot of time with friends this summer and it did affect her attitude. When forced to spend more time with family, she is reluctant at first but quickly returns to the goofy girl we all know. As a parent I can see how the outside influences affected her and know better where that fine line is concerning time with friends. Our neighborhood is an open place where kids play freely and with all the "stuff" we have been through this summer we allowed her to play when she wanted as long as chores were done. In retrospect we see that it may have been just a bit too much time away from family influences. This is a lesson for us as parents and we are very happy to have it earlier in her teen years than later!

I am working on finding another cool recipe to post, I just have not been real creative in the kitchen lately. I did get a bread machine and have been playing with that....its kinda cheating but it sure makes the house smell good. I may never have to buy another candle with that thing cranking out its warm goodness!

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