Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My thumbs are better!

Ok.....I read a funny blurb today about Megan Fox's thumbs! The girl is definitely blessed in the looks department but her thumbs are not as cute as mine! She has a genetic anomaly that makes her thumbs short and wide....and so do I!

It is actually a rare medical condition called brachydactyly. That's just a fancy word for "shortness of fingers and toes" and it is genetically passed as a dominant trait. This trait was once a dominant trait in European royalty and was considered a test of the purity of the bloodline. If you have one or more shortened fingers or toes you are truly special! is a picture of my thumbs and you can click on the link below to see Megan's. You be the judge on who has the cutest "fat" thumbs!

Megan's Thumbs or MY THUMBS

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