Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The beat goes on

Headlines this week have been interesting. Terror suspects arrested in North Carolina...actually about 30 miles from my home. Don't really know much at this point and the news is very vague so I guess we will see. They proved Obama's birth certificate is authentic and he really was born in Hawaii. Nevermind the fact that he spent most of his life living somewhere else. His parents could have easily been on vacation visiting family there and his birth was just timely. Just think of how many people around the world are born in countries other than where they live out their entire lives. If any of those people were born in the US, they are eligible to be President...Hmmmm. That fact alone could reshape world politics as we know them and we all know something needs to be done.

As for family, we are doing great. Husband is slowly returning to normal activities and getting very bored just being around the house. Teenage daughters are well......Teenage daughters. My 14 yr old is fighting off some kind of virus and we keep her away from her daddy which isn't exactly easy for a child that has a habit of touching everything she passes in each room. She has always been what we call our "flibberdegibbit." My 13 yr old continues to push her limits and my patience but thats what they do at that age. We are trying to be consistent but that is one of the hardest tasks I have found as a parent. She is strong willed just like her mother and at times we expect her to be tough. She always delivers on that point but we also know there is a little girl in there just wanting to stay daddy's little girl.

I tried a new recipe the other day to get rid of all those tomatoes I am accumulating from neighbors gardens. So simple and so good.

Grilled tomatoes - Use any disposable or grillable square pan or even muffin tins. Cut tomatoes in half lenthwise and place cut side up in pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and even a little garlic or Italian seasoning if you wish. Drizzle olive oil over the tomatoes and place Provolone cheese on top of them. Place on a top rack in your grill and keep an eye on them. Once the cheese starts to bubble they are done and this will depend on how hot your grill is. Enjoy!

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