School is in session and all seems to be going well. I still have issues with the cell phone policy at the middle school but all I can do is voice my opinion. Last year they started the school year with an out-of-sight and out-of-mind attitude towards cell phones. That lasted about 1/2 the year and some kids were doing some less than desirable things with their phones. You are gonna have that no matter where you are or what age. The school changed their policy mid-year and banned ALL cell phones on school grounds during school hours. The students are not even allowed to have them in their lockers/backpacks turned off. If they are caught in possession of one they will be written up.
I agree that cell phones have no place in school, especially for middle school kids. But I will have to say that for students with after school activities they are a useful tool. I disagree with the ruling that a student cannot even possess a cell phone even if it is turned off. If a student is searched, PROPERLY, and a cell phone is found and is ON, then write them up. But if the student is complying and keeping the device off, please don't punish them.
We experienced this last year. Our youngest daughter had an old cell phone she was using because her other one died. Well this phone died too and was still in her backpack. It was not even a functioning cell phone at the time a search was performed of her backpack. The teacher soon learned that it didn't even turn on and when they found out it was not functioning that teacher proceeded to throw it away right there in the classroom. That should never have happened! Our daughter was written up for having the phone in her possession. It didn't bother me as much then as it does now since I have had a chance to think on it.
I believe the policy should allow for devices as long as they are out-of-sight and OFF. If a student is caught during school hours with a device ON, then punishment should be in order. This is an age where kids are starting to find their identities and earn trust from their superiors. How can they earn a little bit of trust if they are never given a chance. I don't believe that the school is doing any favors by treating these kids like they are guilty before they ever have a chance of going anything wrong. Maybe punishment for offenders, especially when doing something undesirable, needs to be more harsh but let them have the chance to prove themselves....It has worked for the high school and they are managing 2300 students!
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