Everyone needs hope. If you look forward to any part of the future then you have hope. Hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning and keeps us moving. Hope comes from heaven above and is a free gift if you have Jesus in your heart. Hope does not come from man or his inner strength - it is an attribute of God and His life within us. I pray for those who do not feel that they have hope and I ask that anyone reading this do the same. Many of those who suffer from depression cannot see the hope in their future and are overwhelmed by the situations in the present. God's grace is sufficient for all your needs and He loves each and every one of us without ever having to earn that love. He gives it freely.
As I begin my new career in sales (insurance), I find that hope is what keeps me going everyday. Hope is what keeps me strong because I know that no matter how bad any day or situation can be, it will not stay that way. I can have an awful day and at the end simply say, "I can't wait to see what God has in store for me tomorrow!"
This past year has been a rough one but with God's grace and strength we can all still smile and know we are loved by Him and each other. Please remember that no matter how bad a situation may seem now, tomorrow holds much promise for greatness.
I love you all and pray for you all that God's plan and love are fulfilled in you.
Faith is simple - BELIEVE!
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