Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009!

I am sitting here thinking back on the past year like we all do on December 31 and I am excited for what the future holds. I am not the type of person who dwells on the past. As long as I can learn from it and move on then I figure my life will be better for it. The future always has more promise than the past. Does that also make me an optimist? Hope so!

2009 was a negative year but it was also a blessed year. My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and I spent much of the year as the primary caregiver and parent for our family. It was tough, but it was also a blessing. I got to spend many priceless hours with my family that I, otherwise, probably would not have under normal circumstances. It was a time in our lives that the Lord pulled us away and tucked us under His comforting arms and held us close. I am grateful.

I also wonder if I will be able to go back to working a 'normal' job after I have been spoiled by my time with my family for so long. I have been looking, but nothing is happening. I am praying about creative ways, conventional ways and a combination of both ways to earn a living. We really need the extra income and my options are wide open. As you read this please say a quick prayer that I will see the path that the Lord wants me to take. I am simply a vessel for His purposes and upon Him my faith will be.

2010 brings hope. It brings the hope that I will find my path and purpose.

Be blessed and be safe.

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