Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dealing with the Bureaucracy

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to prove that a 7 year old was in a certain place at a certain time over 48 years ago! And to top it all off, the time window is 30 days during the summer months so school records don't really count.

That is what we have been facing since we found out my husband's diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. He qualifies as a "Downwinder" from the nuclear testing our wonderful government did in the 50's and 60's in Nevada. The government is responsible and they admit it.....we just have to PROVE IT! Multiple Myeloma is a cancer proven to be directly related to the radiation exposure.

We are getting closer, but its amazing in this day and age of "information" that it wasn't really that important 40 years ago to keep every bit of "information" and we survived! The IRS doesn't even keep information that long - I know because we tried. The last bit of information we need just may be in finding his parent's employment records if they exist anywhere.....wish us luck because we will need it!

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