Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Freedom!

After a trip to Duke University yesterday we have good news. The Dr. has cleared my husband to do more activities than before. He can now go to public places and be around more people. We still have to use some discretion but he can do things like pool therapy to rebuild his back and take some classes at the community center to keep him busy. His immune system is still barren but his blood work came back normal and there is NO sign of the M protein that causes Multiple Myeloma. He is in remission!!! Praise the Lord - The stem cell transplant worked!

His birthday is at the end of the month and this one will be worthy of a party! It has been a rough year for all of us but we are thankful that we had each other. Our family motto is: "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

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